In Gal 3:23, Paul clearly states the two eras of the the Bible – the era of the Law and the era of Faith. A believer under the OT had no need of believing in the Law, he just had to obey it. The key was “obedience.” In the NT, faith is the requirement for a believer. For in the NT, Grace cannot operate without faith. This distinguishes the faith of the OT with the faith of the NT. The two kinds of faith. The former was a natural faith and the latter, a supernatural faith that proceeds from God through the righteousness of Jesus.
Many believers struggle with faith today, not understanding what God has done for them, including the provision of faith. Faith is not a struggle, but a process. This teaching is very important for those of you who want to understand the ability of your faith and the great things that you as a believer can accomplish in the realm of faith.
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